Membership Fees Payment

Thank you for continuing to support us!

The Friends of Olivença Group relies almost exclusively on the membership fees of its associates, making it crucial to keep fee collection as up-to-date as possible.

You can choose one of the following options for membership fee payment:


Bank Tranfer

IBAN: PT50.0035.0698.00025200431.57
Reference/description: Membership nbr XXXXX

Please send the proof of payment to [email protected], indicating the name and membership number.

Have questions or issues?
If you need assistance or additional information, please use our contacts.


Mobile app

The mobile application facilitates the real-time communication of useful information between our association and its members.

Within the mobile application, members can check their dues, receipts, messages, notices, news, and the activity calendar.

To update personal information, please log in to this website through the reserved members area.




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